A: Yes, you will be taken into your pets kennel or cattery unit for the visiting period. You are welcome to play with or groom your pet. Or just bring in a newspaper or book and relax.
A: No, we can stay in regular touch by telephone and e-mail to keep you informed of your pets progress. We will make sure that your pet gets lots of extra special care. We only have a small number of staff so we really get to know your pet well during his or her stay. We will let you know immediately if there are any problems.
A: We do provide bedding and toys, but you may want to bring these in or post something familiar for your pet, maybe a t-shirt or towel with your scent on it. Basically you can bring in anything that we are able to wash before your pets departure from our facility. All these items will be returned to you. Food and edible treats: Again we do provide these but you are welcome to bring in favourites. You can either bring them in when you visit or leave them for us to label and give them to your pet as you require.
A: You are welcome to provide food if you wish. We offer the full Black Hawk range of cat and dog foods, and Chunky dog roll (www.superiorchunky.co.nz) for dogs. We can supply chicken, mince etc, but an extra charge will be made for this.
A: Most pets are scared when they first arrive but usually settle down quickly, so don’t expect the worst. We make sure all new arrivals get lots of attention and cuddles.
A: We are the only quarantine facility in the South Island. We are happy to make travel arrangements at the end of quarantine to any airport in New Zealand.
A: No, we have under-floor heating and extra heat lamps if required. Your pet has access to indoor and outdoor areas and can choose the temperature that suits them best.
A: Our MPI vet visits your pet on arrival and weekly during the quarantine period. He monitors their health and well-being. If your pet or pets show any sign of illness our local vet is just ten minutes away. We have a veterinary room and can cope with all eventualities.
A: No, we can provide full care and attention for pregnant and whelping bitches or Queens. Pets must not travel if they are more than 42 days pregnant.
A: Yes, we can cope with any special needs that your pet may have. Please let us know at the time of booking. Provide as much information as possible to assist us with the care of your pet. If your pet is on medication please let us know as not all drugs are available or licensed for use in New Zealand. We may have to find alternatives or request permission from the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) to import these drugs.
A: Please contact us for a current price list.
A: Holidays are business as usual at Canterbury Quarantine Services. Our facility has staff every day of the year, however we are not open for visiting on public holidays.